Storm's a Comin

Storm's a Comin

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Six Pills Plus One: 5. Will Not Cause Drowsiness

Moving away from lifelong friends made over
the past few years to a space and time
became a polemic shift worldview. Guitar
gave way to fiddle, concrete forest to swamp slime,
burger to crawfish. She was the one constant
from old world to new; we would both cut
our hair and earn new tattoos by surviving fire ants,
hurricanes, bouts of madness that slammed too many doors shut
right in our face. Thirty should be a turning point,
but I forgot to put on the blinker. Smart enough to evade
accidents though. I can’t quite remember being clairvoyant
about it, so I have to be reminded. If not, it just fades
into forgotten recesses. Must stay awake. Must stay awake.
Much too much at stake.


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