Costanza, Magoo, George Jefferson.
All heroes of outrage. Life has dealt
them raw and they are bitter. Screaming
shaking flailing still able to squeak out
measures of happiness through chaotic
whirlwinds of cruel concocted fates.
One slips into depravity of surrender
another sees only his own distorted reality
All heroes of outrage. Life has dealt
them raw and they are bitter. Screaming
shaking flailing still able to squeak out
measures of happiness through chaotic
whirlwinds of cruel concocted fates.
One slips into depravity of surrender
another sees only his own distorted reality
the third struts flamboyant, loud and proud.
Finally, Ralph Cramden. TNT fantastic
in every instance. Boil the outrage—let it spill
over polite confines. Yet the intent is to laugh
at such demonstration and laugh too at ourselves.
in every instance. Boil the outrage—let it spill
over polite confines. Yet the intent is to laugh
at such demonstration and laugh too at ourselves.